TabSite offers users the ability to create a Smart / mobile friendly URL per tab.  

This Smart / mobile friendly url, when used in a post to the wall or any other time when clicked by a person using a mobile phone, directs the viewer to a mobile friendly view of the custom app.  Desktop viewers continue to have the same experience of viewing the custom app when they click on the mobile friendly url.  

Since Facebook's iPhone and Android Apps, as well as their mobile version do not incorporate custom tabs into the Page navigation nor show the custom tab content if a wall feed post containing a standard custom tab url is clicked, then mobile users (which account for over 60% of daily Facebook traffic [and growing] would normally be left out and have a bad user experience (Page not found).

HOWEVER, with TabSite this is not so!  All TabSite users have access per app to generate a mobile friendly url that can be used to direct traffic to the custom tab.

When this url is used, TabSite detects upon each click, if the user is coming from a mobile device.  If they are, we show a mobile friendly version of the tab.  If a mobile is not being used, we show the default standard version.


In the "My App" area you can simply go to the dropdown menu on any app.

In the dropdown select the "Get Smart URL" option. 

This will open the Smart URL box as shown below.  Make your selection on where you want desktop viewers to go when they click a Smart URL. The default is Facebook.  So if you are not deploying the app on Facebook but on the web, then be sure to change the default to the MicroSite. (This is a landing tab with your app.)


Option 2: In the TabSite Manager, when you click to "Publish" an app, you will be given a dialogue box with the Facebook deployment option, the web embed option, and the Smart URL.  Click the Smart URL button to generate the URL and then copy it.


NOTE: When using a Drag N Build app you have sub-pages that can be created and EACH sub-page can have a Smart URL.  Access it in the "My Sub-Pages" Drop down selecting "Open / View Pages".  

This opens a box with the sub-pages you have created and the dropdown for Page Operations starting with "Options" gives you the "Smart URL" tool.

This shows you the mobile friendly url and by simply clicking the "Click here to copy the URL" it will copy the url to your clipboard so you can use in promoting the app.



This is a problem for hundreds of thousands of company Facebook pages.

In fact, not only do the apps and mobile Facebook site not include tab apps in the menu, if a news feed post contains a standard custom tab url (see image below), then mobile users get a “Page Not Found” message and have a bad user experience.

The Facebook Link to this Tab will not work for Mobile Users

The Facebook Link to this Tab will not work for Mobile Users

mobile-fail-facebookMobile users are shown a “The page you requested was not found” message with the only option being to return to the page they had been on.  This means that if pages post a link like this below about their deal or contest and the fan sees the post while on their mobile device and clicks the link, they cannot access the contest or promotion!


Click this link on a mobile device:



Here is the same tab with the TabSite mobile friendly url:

It works! It is the destination on Facebook, the difference is that this URL is SMART!  

It detects the type of device the user is on and displays a version that the user can see!

TabSite offers users the ability to create a Smart, mobile friendly URL per tab so that users on ANY devices can access your Facebook Page tabs.

This Smart, mobile friendly URL, when used in a news feed post, tweets, on your website or blog detects the browser type the visitor is using and then takes the viewer to the correct view, PC or mobile, for the app.  Using this feature gives ALL users trying to access your  app access to it.

Simply generate the Smart URL in the TabSite Manager and then post using the Smart, mobile friendly URL.  This is available to all TabSite users in the TabSite Manager.  When used, TabSite does all the work of showing the tab!

Desktop visitors continue to have the same experience of viewing the custom tab on Facebook or on a microsite (you select) when they click on the Smart URL.

Find out more about TabSite & sign-up for a FREE 14 Day Trial >>  TabSite Plans