
Drag this widget onto your tab page to easily add any RSS feed! Add your blog RSS feed and any other RSS feed such as your Flickr Gallery or EventBrite event listing.

Drag the RSS widget onto your canvas.

  1. Add your RSS Feed URL in the top field. This is the the URL to your blog, etc., but the subscribe link URL.
  2. Enter a Title in the second field. This is optional.
  3. Choose from the 3 layout styles:
    * Show full post
    * Show parital post with a link to the full post
    * Show the first post as a full post and the rest as partial posts with links to the full posts.
  4. Choose the # of posts to display on your TabSite.
  5. Choose how many characters you would like to display for each partial post.
  6. Choose the cell (background) color or mark the transparent box.


After creating your widgets and settings. Don't forget to click Save.


 This window will appear. Just choose Save & Continue  to save what you are doing and keep working, or Save and Close, and click Okay for the succeeding windows.


Type your Page Name and click Save.


To learn more about the Container Properties, click HERE!

Once you have the above information entered, click on Accept. Your RSS feed will now appear on your TabSite!